Monday, April 22, 2013

Scott Hazard Photo Description

Photos taken from :

Hazard's technique is cool because in every situation it looks real. Here, he
has designed the wall in the photo to look like a tunnel, the shadows are
important because it lines the depth into the wall. I like this one because it is
the most realistic photo in my opinion and this could actually happen. This
one is my favourite.

Editing the sky makes a really cool picture, because you wouldn't expect it,
it obviously can't be possible and the stroke of white really accents the layers.
Hazard was smart to have a tree branch reach into the sky, or else it would
be an okay picture because he did a good job on the sky, but it would've
looked plain and some might not have realized that it was the sky.

This photo is a little different since it uses words in it to really make the
layers stand out. The depth in this photo is quite remarkable and seems as
if there are multiple pieces of paper in front of one another, Hazard put a lot
of effort into making the paper seem ripped and worn out.

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