Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Change of Season

I had to take this picture near my school because the trees are so vibrant right now. I love the red tint of leafs, the colour is really pretty and its nice to look at. I maaaaaay have brightened the photo to make it look brighter, but this is how it looks and the camera didn't capture all its beauty.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hazard Assignment

Here are 4 original photos I took using Scott Hazards technique 
to create vortex's and holes within a photo. 

Scott Hazard Photo Description

Photos taken from :

Hazard's technique is cool because in every situation it looks real. Here, he
has designed the wall in the photo to look like a tunnel, the shadows are
important because it lines the depth into the wall. I like this one because it is
the most realistic photo in my opinion and this could actually happen. This
one is my favourite.

Editing the sky makes a really cool picture, because you wouldn't expect it,
it obviously can't be possible and the stroke of white really accents the layers.
Hazard was smart to have a tree branch reach into the sky, or else it would
be an okay picture because he did a good job on the sky, but it would've
looked plain and some might not have realized that it was the sky.

This photo is a little different since it uses words in it to really make the
layers stand out. The depth in this photo is quite remarkable and seems as
if there are multiple pieces of paper in front of one another, Hazard put a lot
of effort into making the paper seem ripped and worn out.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Comfort Food

My comfort food is mexican food, from Taco Del Mar I always get chips and queso.
Best snack in thee world!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


This is more of a splash more than splatter but in my opinion I like the water more. I was originally going to have water pouring out from the two folders clipped to the board but after I thought it would look better with water crashing in behind and coming towards you. Not my best work on power outlet and water crash, but I like the water droplets on the  cover folders and the water crashing in the background.

Friday, April 5, 2013




These are some shots from last month that I have added the infrared effects to. There are 3 different ways to capture IR photos. 1. Have your camera converted to capture infrared light, once converted the camera will not be able to take normal photos. 2. Use a film camera with special infrared film. 3. Special IR filters can be purchased that filter out all the visible light leaving only IR light.

Infrared photos were first published in early 1910 for magazines and journals. This kind of photography didn't become popular until the 1930's for film and movies, then for recording artists album covers in the 1960's.

Now a days, we use digital cameras and their sensors are not able to detect thermal images, but under the right settings digital can record IR.

Websites & Tutorial:

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


This photo was taken out in the woods by my school, the theme was glimpse I decided to focus on the sign rather than the space in between because then you really can't tell where the background ends. I think its better if you can see the few letters than have to guess what they are. Glimpse into an eerie place, where they actually had to say "Private Property" and "No Trespassing" This is definitely my favourite shot of the day