Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Night Riders Shadow

Assignment: Photographer Mimic

Mark Raymond Mason

Fine Art Photographer - Mark Raymond Mason

Background & Schooling
I don't have any education in photography.  I studied Geomatics Engineering at BCIT (British Columbia Institute of Technology) and U of C (University of Calgary) for a total of 6 years.  Right now, I'm studying to become a professional land surveyor.”

“I don't enter photography contests very often, but I won a couple of Merit awards in a B&W magazine contest in 2008.  The website has won several online awards of various dubious distinction as well, usually for presentation and photographic content.”

Equipment Used
“I like to use small digital cameras with interchangeable lenses because they're portable, lightweight, and capable of excellent results if used carefully.  However, these photographs could have been made with using many different types of equipment from many different manufacturers.”

Dew-Crusted Grass: Coquihalla Summit, BC, Canada (2011)

Petals, Water: Vancouver, BC, Canada (2005)

Tack, Detached Paint: Kamloops, BC, Canada (2012)

Sunlight, Veiny Leaf: Near Atenas, Costa Rica (2013)

Berries, Branches: Calgary, AB, Canada (2006)

Brushed Steel: Vancouver, BC, Canada (2005)

Light Circles, Night Sky: Calgary, AB, Canada (2010)

Pale Paint, Spreading Cracks: Near Kamloops, BC, Canada (2012)
Marks work is abstract and he visualizes scenes in a way that others might not think of taking it. I like his photography because he focuses his photos on the little things around big things. Mark doesn't edit his photos with photoshop, these photos are the originals. He captures the vibrant colours and the sharpness in objects which makes his photos stand out.

Strengths: An eye for unique options, versatile angles, lighting and contrast.
Weaknesses: Not many, just a little sharper on defined objects or too far away.

I interpret Mark's work as focusing on the little things that people miss on a daily basis since everyone is looking for the bigger picture. The photos are sentimental and meaningful which makes you take a double take when looking around you afterwards.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I love the flowers colours, they go so well together, the red/orange/pink colour
is gorgeous. I see these flowers every morning and they put me in a better mood to
see something so precious.

Alphabet In Objects

Took pictures of objects around school and made a collage from a-z.
Not as difficult as I though it was going to be, finished in a day

Friday, May 10, 2013


This is a picture I took of my friend, I took five separate photos and joined them all into one.
This is to portray time passing by and he is tired of waiting for someone that keeps letting him
down, which is why he loses colour in every frame because he has a loss of hope for that one person.