Friday, March 8, 2013


The goal for this photo was to make a photo creepy, erie and dark. So 
I decided to make the model into a mutation. I used clone to get ride of
his arms so I can add the octopus tentacles. using brush (colour: black) 
I made lines attaching the body to the tentacle to make it more realistic
along with blurring the connection so it would look more smooth. 

Erik Johansson #3 Assignment

 Photoshop CS3 Edit 

Original Photo
I wanted this forest to look erie and dark so I changed the brightness and
contrast, the hue and saturation, as well as its levels and highlights. 

All the photos below I altered their brightness and hue and I erased everything
around the object with Hardness: 100% to get the object all alone. 

On the right. 

 Left side of photo.
Slender man
Faded into the trees.

 Half in the stream, half on land.

Water Stream 
Added to the bottom right of the photo.

Only The White Piece of Paper
Posted to the tree.